
MIXED signals....???

wassup yall?

ive been accused of being the king of the "mixed" signal @ times during my career as a womanizer, lol
now, is a mixed signal STILL a mixed signal if its unintentionally sent?
cuz im good 4 telling a woman i dont want a woman/relationship yet still fuck around and do "relationship type shit" as ive been told, with that very same woman.

(& 4 the record, i never claimed 2 be a PIMP, so there are some rules & guidelines i dont necessarily abide by, especially when it comes 2 so called PIMP shit- ive always just been a Hoe, no way around it...there are codes 2 my shit as well, dont get it twisted)

now 2 me, what i said 2 the woman from the beginning STILL STANDS til i SAY otherwise. thats me in a nutshell, if i aint say it dont do that READ'n in between the lines B.S. or none of that shit wit me- just ask me and ill gladly give u the latest update on where my head, heart & intentions are at.
but, as simple as that shit is 4 me 2 grasp, alotta women ive dealt with find my ways confusing, and since its happened alot more times than i can count i realize & have 2 sorta accept the fact that im the dude at fault....
now if it was only sometimes, maybe i could still place the blame on alotta the women ive run across & thru, but when it happens as much as it has i have 2 accept that i MUST indeed be something like the KING of the mixed signal
(@ least something like it, lol- there are sometimes yall just be on some oblivious 2 logic, reason & reality and just plain & simply put "dick-whipped into la-la land" ol' bullshit, lol)
well another reason this topic has been on my mind is i know im not the only person out here that cant actually read minds

u may either WANT a nigga or u may just WANNA BEFRIEND a nigga
but from a nigga'z perspective that shit aint always easy 2 decipher. some dudes take ANY sign of cordial convo or any advance as a chance that woman has "interest" in fuckin wit him on some other shit (especially if he already may secretly desire her & admires her) when that surely aint always the case. some of us dont know how 2 handle friendly conversation sometimes, lol
the hope factor can cloud judgment/vision & what u THINK u see is what u WANT 2 SEE, but not necessarily a reality.
then u got some dudes that couldnt catch a hint either way if a woman doesnt flat out say the shit whether she is feelin alot or if she's feeling him not.
we as people (not all) have continuously over time approached situations with hidden agendas or at least "guarded intentions" (i like that term better, lol) & as a result we also look 4 the hidden agenda by tryin 2 decipher the unspoken.
have u ever thought somebody was feelin u & once u approached them or spoke up about it u got dissed? or told exactly the opposite of what u assumed?

we mislead as well as misinterpret just as much as the other i believe.
just as a woman can take a man TRYING 2 FUCK as a MAN TRYING 2 MARRY
a dude can take a woman ACCEPTIN' FREE DRINKS as a WOMAN possibly WANTING 2 FUCK
not great examples but examples of potentially misinterpreted/misleading situations

if u feel me & u gotta 'pinion & shit, lol, express yo self
dont tell us what we wanna hear- tell us what we need 2 know


1 comment:

Mrs.Bailey said...

You know when youre sending mixed signals or as i perfer to call it leading a person on.
People know why they do shit like that.So people can stay intrested and into them like its the first day they met.Its keeps you stuck in that infatuation faze.It keeps people wanting more when in reality there is no more.Some people are skilled ass hell in getting a chick-dude but very challenged when it comes to keeping one.Afraid to move foward and deeper into more personal relationships because the truth is they dont know how to mantain them.